Product documentation
Rental Management Rental Dates

The Rental Dates play an important part of our Rental Management solution. This topic provides more information about the usage of them.

The Rental Dates framework is quite extensive, enabling a differentiation between a financial and physical stream. This is important if, for example, it takes 3 days to deliver equipment to the customer. During those days, the equipment is not available, yet you might not want to charge the customer for these days. By splitting the streams, we give full financial and physical control.

For each stream there are mutltiple dates during the rental process and all will be discussed here. Please note that eventhough all dates are always present in the background for a rental transaction, most forms only show the relevant ones. Even though the Rental quote/order header and lines show the Rental dates, the dates itself are always linked to the transaction underneath. In some cases, such as split transactions, this means the Rental dates on the transaction are the only true dates and the quote or order may show some deviations. For ease of use, all dates as mentioned below in the overview, are the transaction dates, but will be referred to as order dates.

Also note that not all dates are used/filled by the system; some are only there to facilitate specific business processes, which means that some of the dates only get filled if they are done manually as part of a business process or they could optionally get filled by using scanning hardware at certain stages in the process for example.


Rental Dates

Financial Rental Dates

On rent


Off rent


Physical Rental Dates

Delivery shipment


Delivery receipt


Return shipment


Return receipt


Effective dates

For both the Financial and the Physical rental dates, we have multiple fields for all individual dates for each stream as seen above. The level of certainty increases within the fields for a specific date (if used). Some forms, such as the rental transaction, also show effective dates. The effective dates are the calculated result for the start and the end of a transaction (for either the physical or financial stream) based on the most certain available data. These dates are therefore never manually filled or edited, they are calculated and used by the system as the basis for availability calculations etc.